09 January, 2005

My First Blog and my findings of the Third Wave

January 9, 2005, 15:45
Well hello everyone that may happen to read this. This is my very first blog. It just may rank among my top list of "firsts." My first step, my first instrument, my first birthday, and so on. Some may wonder why I chose the name "The Third Wave." That is because I once watched a movie about a history teacher who tried to teach his students about the Third Reich. He created an in school society called the Third Wave, because in fisherman and sailor lore it is said that waves come in three's, and the third is always the strongest. Anyways, this teacher created a very disciplined society and his students were encapsulated by the positive effects it had and ignored that they had no personality. Eventually the students were so caught up in this they would harm anyone that would not conform. The teacher then realized he needed to stop all of this. He held a final rally, and said that it was their nation wide leader who had an important message for them. At this rally he showed a clip of Adolf Hitler speaking. Everyone was so astounded that they all denied that there was ever a society called the Third Wave. It got me thinking and I soon found that this was a true story. This made me think even more. So I looked it up on the net. After about three hours of looking for anything that even related to this, I found an article written buy the history teacher on his story, and how he ran into a former student whom he had performed this expirement on. The student, being 15 years older still, upon seeing his teacher, greeted him with the hand gesture that signified you were a member of the Third Wave. I wonder if it was in joking matter, or in spite that he does this. Then I think that maybe that the entire moral was lost on this student. How could these high school students have not realized what they were doing was wrong? Was it the fact that everyone belonged to a group, and everyone could relate? It just makes me wonder. The title of this movie, if you would like to check it out is "The Wave."


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