24 April, 2005

The simplest things

April 23, 2005 21:34
I found myself at peace today. I have decided to step back more often, and just enjoy the simple things. Many people, in this crazy, fast paced world of ours, just seem to forget that the only thing that can keep us sane, is to slow down. I, for a long time, wanted to do things quickly and efficiently. Don't get me wrong, this is a good trait to have. The only problem was that I couldn't just sit back, and let the waves roll over me. When listening to music, I couldn't just listen. I had to annylize every note, every rythm. Today, I just listened. It was nice. I went outside and stood in the rain. I love the rain. It is like a release in tension. Big storm clouds above are lingering, threatening us. Then, it rains. It releases it's tension. I love the rain and the smell after it has rained. It is a sweet scent, and it always, for some reason, reminds me of simpler times. How I long to be just a wide eyed child again. Back when nothing mattered, except you and your happiness. It didn't matter that it was raining, you liked it, and you didn't care if you got pnuemonia. Nothing that happened outside your home mattered. If you couldn't see it, it had no affect on you. The stock market never affects a child to the point where the child recognizes that it is the stock markets fault. The news meant nothing, "That wasn't even in our country, let alone our city," I would say. But none of that matters now, because I can't go back, and I can't try to go back. The only thing I can do, is sit back once and a while, and enjoy the simplest things.


Blogger Alex said...

It's seems to be an essence of innocence... you're so uninformed, so vaguely worried, that it's so easy to be happy. Great post. What I've always wanted to get across, but never could. -and you found those words.


4/25/2005 3:25 PM  
Blogger Joe said...

ignorance is bliss, i use that all the time, and have always wanted to write a convincing post about it, but you beat me, verry good, your writing has progressed a lot from the begining of this blog, i respect you for it. my mom asked if you do any other stuff besides music, and i had to mention writing, drums (they arent music), photos, graphic design, computer technolegy, you can spell. can ya paint?

joe, artisticaly envious

5/09/2005 11:37 PM  

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