Embryonic Stem Cell Research.
Embryonic stem cells are primal undifferentiated cells which retain the ability to differentiate into other cell types. The harvesting of these cells is one of the greatest medical advancements of modern time. The study and research of these cells should definitely not be prohibited or restricted in any way because with the use of embryonic stem cells, we have the ability to replace tissue on the human body, and even grow new organs. Also, with use of embryonic stem cells, as opposed to adult stem cells, you can grow the stem cells into any type of cell. Thirdly, the use of these cells should not be restricted for ethical reasons such as taking a human life because they possess no nervous system, and biologically, are not yet a human.
The first reason I would like to bring to attention would be that with the use of embryonic stem cells, we have the ability to replace tissue on the human body, and even grow new organs. The potential of a major breakthrough against disease and debilitating situations is enormous. Stem cells can be used to treat cancer, the inability to walk, spinal cord injury, muscle damage, heart damage, low blood supply, missing teeth, and blindness. If the study and research of stem cells in restricted, it prohibits further study in an effective way to potentially cure these disabilities.
Next, I will bring up the point that with use of embryonic stem cells, as opposed to adult stem cells, you can grow the stem cells into any type of cell. Adult stem cells are most commonly multipotent cells, which means that these stem cells can only produce cells of a closely related family of cells. Embryonic stem cells, on the other hand, are totipotent cells. This means that these cells can grow into any type of cell, with no exception.
Finally, the use of these cells should not be restricted for ethical reasons such as taking a human life. The point at which stem cells are harvested is in the early stage of an embryo called a blastocyst. A blastocyst is an embryo after about 6 days, and is made of around 120 cells. Blastocysts are far from possessing a nervous system, and biologically, they do not have feelings. Commonly, the blastocysts used in embryonic stem cell research are left over from vitro fertility therapy. If these cells are not used in stem cell research, or in other therapies, they are destroyed or frozen indefinitely by the thousands. If these cells are destroyed by the thousands, why should they not be used in research to improve medical technology.
In close, I state that the research of embryonic stem cell research should not be prohibited because the use of embryonic stem cells, gives us the ability to replace tissue on the human body, and even grow new organs. With use of embryonic stem cells, as opposed to adult stem cells, you can grow the stem cells into any type of cell. the use of these cells should not be restricted for ethical reasons such as taking a human life because at the point of harvesting, they possess no nervous system, and biologically, are not yet a human.
shit yeah, i agree, well written
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