Well, the first week of school has come and gone. I really like my schedule. I have English, World Civ, Physics, and Stage/Tech on one day, and the other day I have Band, Web Development, Fit for Life, and Math. pretty good blend of classes. I am quite enjoying all of it. Well, not so much band, and especially not jazz band. <> Okay, so we have jazz band, right? Wrong! We are doing the stupidest shit! It has basically turned into beginning music theory. He is "teaching" us chord structure, and "how to improv." He tells us that jazz is mostly major 9 chords. He tells us that there is a certain method for improvising. He is such a PRICK! By he, I mean Mr. Mo. There is no fucking method to improv. Jazz comes from the soul! Improv is merely singing into your horn whatever sounds good to you. Whatever hops into your head. Jazz is NOT all major 9 chords. He is constantly confusing jazz with lounge. He doesn't even know his charts. He thought that Zoot Suit Riot was Sing Sing Sing (with a swing) Zoot Suit Riot was written and performed by The Cherry Poppin' Daddies, and they are still performing and writing. They are from the NINETIES!!! I wish he would just stop trying to teach us how to "improvise." Improvisation comes from the heart, not a book. BITCH!< /vent > Okay, so enough of that. My classes are good except for that. Well, I'm out!
Best of Luck? I can't say I'll have any complaints, being a choir student and all, but I hope he gets easier to tolerate as time goes on. Keep your chin up kid!!
Oh, and it's good that the rest of school is going smoothly; can't wait to join you all agian.
right, so music theory is important, but its not jazz, ya gotta know your shit to improv, but improv is not just playing the shit ya know, ya gotta know your shit so well that your fingers know your shit for ya, you brain can just sing the song, and your body dosent play a Bb, it play a wwwWWWAAAAyayayayaaaaaa do di de da, no notes, not scales, no memory, my fingers will never forget Bb scale, i dont have to think sthit to improv on that shit, shit.
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