It has been a while.
March 17, 2005 18:12
Well hello. I am BACK! Not that I have been anywhere. I have just not had the time or motivation to right recently. I think everyone except maybe 1 or 2 have updated. Well in anycase, I am back, and ready for action. As my close friends might know, I have recently lost one of my best friends. I kicked him out of my band. He is hardly a musician, but not nearly an artist. He was always trying to make us be a cover band. I just couldn't take it anymore. He was also a very big jerk. He was "always right" and everyone else was "always wrong." So he is out of the picture. I have started to really get to know the girl mentioned in the previous post. Some would venture to say that we are "boyfriend and girlfriend." I don't like labels, but if I had to label us something I would label us "together." I have also recently decided that I am going to (once I have the money) order a bass wiring kit from Carvin. It is 120 dollars for everything I neeed. after the wiring is all good, then I want to get a NICE pickguard done. It will be made of stainless steel. I would like to repaint the body a limegreen with neon blue details and hardware. I don't know how that will go over. Yet another thing has happened. Since I started writing more music, I signed up for this website called Soundclick. There you can upload MP3's of your music for free. I think it is great. My music page is I have started multi tracking all of my concepts. This means that I will record one part, then record another part over the top of it. I simply lay the tracks on top of eachother and see how it sounds. The only thing I don't like about multi tracking is that you could never play live. Oh, and I miss the company and fun of just jamming in my basement. Not with the jerk though. With my good friend Mckray. Once I get that bass working we are back in business. Well, I realized that I really like this girl. She has been in California all week. I haven't seen her since last thursday. I am Jonesin' out here man! Yeah, my grades suffered quite a bit this last sememster, and I haven't really been allowed to do anything. My mom has been riding my case all week. I understand she cares, but I don't think it is going to do much good. I can't do anything about that now, I don't have school till monday, and the reason I failed is because I was bored. So I will update later.
*WOOSH*---The sound of all your hopes and dreams floating away.
Well hello. I am BACK! Not that I have been anywhere. I have just not had the time or motivation to right recently. I think everyone except maybe 1 or 2 have updated. Well in anycase, I am back, and ready for action. As my close friends might know, I have recently lost one of my best friends. I kicked him out of my band. He is hardly a musician, but not nearly an artist. He was always trying to make us be a cover band. I just couldn't take it anymore. He was also a very big jerk. He was "always right" and everyone else was "always wrong." So he is out of the picture. I have started to really get to know the girl mentioned in the previous post. Some would venture to say that we are "boyfriend and girlfriend." I don't like labels, but if I had to label us something I would label us "together." I have also recently decided that I am going to (once I have the money) order a bass wiring kit from Carvin. It is 120 dollars for everything I neeed. after the wiring is all good, then I want to get a NICE pickguard done. It will be made of stainless steel. I would like to repaint the body a limegreen with neon blue details and hardware. I don't know how that will go over. Yet another thing has happened. Since I started writing more music, I signed up for this website called Soundclick. There you can upload MP3's of your music for free. I think it is great. My music page is I have started multi tracking all of my concepts. This means that I will record one part, then record another part over the top of it. I simply lay the tracks on top of eachother and see how it sounds. The only thing I don't like about multi tracking is that you could never play live. Oh, and I miss the company and fun of just jamming in my basement. Not with the jerk though. With my good friend Mckray. Once I get that bass working we are back in business. Well, I realized that I really like this girl. She has been in California all week. I haven't seen her since last thursday. I am Jonesin' out here man! Yeah, my grades suffered quite a bit this last sememster, and I haven't really been allowed to do anything. My mom has been riding my case all week. I understand she cares, but I don't think it is going to do much good. I can't do anything about that now, I don't have school till monday, and the reason I failed is because I was bored. So I will update later.
*WOOSH*---The sound of all your hopes and dreams floating away.
*Sigh* Of COURSE I care! And, no, there isn't much you can do about it "right now" - but that doesn't mean your actions (or lack thereof) don't result in consequences. If that were the case, then why have laws at all?
"But Officer, I'm not speeding NOW! Why do I need a ticket?"
Look, you're just lucky your dad isn't home! And next quarter will be monitored REGULARLY. IOW, you won't be doing ANYTHING if your grades are not satisfactory EVERY weekend.
~Mom, who loves you but is still grumbling over the stupid behavior of her child
Hmmm. I would se it as you are unlucky you dad is not home. Unless by luck you mean pride......
I say, fix your base, jam in the basement, hold your girl, and do just enough homework to get by.
Absense makes the heart grow stronger.
When you multitrack do you put them all in the same tempo?
Joe, A guitar of my own
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