26 January, 2005

What one finds when they are bored.

January 26, 2005 23:26
Well, on a lighter note than my last blog, I realized what people find when they have too much time on their hands. Well, here it is: http://www.thelastwords.net/ That is one of the weirdest websites I have ever seen. There is this site where you pay people to write a suicide note for you. The prices are insane, for a 1-300 word note, you pay 50 dollars. Sure you won't use the money anymore, but that is just INSANE!!!! Don't ask me how I found this site. I am not even sure anymore. I just know that this site has "fun suicide facts" and "suicide merchandise," such as a mug that says "I hate mondays...and living." How freaking morbid is that. Go there and find out for yourself. Weirdest site ever!

23 January, 2005


January 23, 2005 00:02
Before we start, I would just like to say that this is a completely unabridged and unedited piece of my thoughts. Most blogs I post, I look over and change, but this is too important to me to change in the slightest.

Is there anyone else out there, that has heard something, had something major in their life happen, and listened to the same thing again. The meaning can change in an instant. Why am I asking this, because it happened to me. As many of you, if you know me, know that my Father is being deployed with the army to go to Iraq. Well, this is a pretty big thing in my life. Today happens to be my last day with him for 18 months. That said, I shall get on with my story. One of my favorite songs to play on the guitar is "Wish You Were Here" by Pink Floyd. I listened to this song a while ago, I felt something, but it was just a song. Today I listened to it, while listening to the album "Wish You Were Here." It was a completely different song. It had an entirely different meaning to me. At the line in the first verse, "Did you exchange a walk on part in a war, for a lead role in a cage," nearly brought me to tears. At one point this was just a song, but tonight it was different. Tonight it was a completely different song. The meaning, the chord structure, the everything, everything was different. I know feel that I truly now what that song means. At least to me. I would encourage everyone to listen to this song, and find what it truly means to you.

20 January, 2005

STMD (Single Track Mind Disorder)

January 20, 2005 23:01
Well hello again, blog. Tonight I realized something that was called to attention by a friend of mine (who has asked to be anonymous). People really need to think about the positive in life, and about more than one positive. People who have one really big positive, tend to get "Single Track Mind Disorder", as I have christened it. This is where they focus so much on this one big positive that they don't realize what they are doing otherwise. Everything good revolves around one thing, and everything not, is caused by something other than you. People with single track minds, I have noticed, often lose friends from it. I have seen it in more than one case. I also noticed that once they are out of STMD than, because of their constant ignoring of their friends, the friends are gone in the end. People aren't as malicious, and rude, as they seem. There is usually all one BIG misunderstanding. I am currently studying a certain case of someone with STMD. I can only hope that they realize what they are doing before it is too late.

16 January, 2005

Cassini Picture

Due to popular request (ok only one request.) I am posting this picture of Titan, Saturn's moon, on my blog. This is the first color picture from Titan that was recieved. It may not look very exciting, but to me it is awesome. Enjoy. Oh and here are the two best websites for Cassini info:



15 January, 2005

Change is a good thing...Sometimes

January 15, 2005, 00:55
Well, I have just finished the look of my blog. Hopefully it will stay like this for a while. Just thought I would post the date of change on my blog.

14 January, 2005

Cassini Project Pt. 2

January 14, 2005, 23:41
Today is a monumental day in space exploration. The Cassini-Huygens mission has reached it's climax. The Huygens Probe descended upon Saturn's moon Titan today. It successfully broke through the thick atmoshpere and onto the ground of Titan. We already have photographs and radio transmissions from Titan. Earlier this week, I wrote on the excitement the Cassini Project gave me. I am absolutely ecstatic that this mission has been succes. We are yet to know exactly what we see in these photos from another world, but they are spectacular. We hope that Titan will help us gain an understanding in the beginning of life on the Earth. Titan has a thick nitrogen and methane atmosphere, similar to the earths early atmosphere, in which life began to form. Astronomers around the world sleep easy tonight, for the mission has been a success.

10 January, 2005

Daily Vent

January 10, 2005, 22:51
What the crap is up with Comedy Central?!?!?! It used to be a great channel, airing shows like Kids in the Hall and Saturday Night Live! Now all they seem to play until their prime time is Mad TV!!! This pisses me off! That show sucks, I feel stupider every second I watch that crap!! It is a dumbed down version of Saturday Night Live. I once saw them trying to do a "Presidential Statement" skit!!! That made me feel sick to my stomach. It is always poorly put together with mindless not quite slap-stick comedy. I don't believe that crap can attain such a level of entertainment to be considered comedy!!!! Comedy Central, Get your act together!!!

Jill v.2.0

January 10, 2005, 20:18
Well hello World, I have an interesting story to tell. Well I first must say that I am a big band geek ("big" describing the level of geek not "big band"), and my life consists of mostly band and science. That said I walk into Band today and there is a new trumpet player to the school. Ok, no big deal, right, WRONG!!! She looks exactly like my sister Jill. They are the same height, they have the same facial structure, same shoes and glasses even. The only noticeable difference is the hair, the new trumpet player has a lot longer hair. It sort of looks like my sister's hair about 2 years ago. My sister, being Band President, is very recognized, at least within the band. We noticed the similarities instantly. Others noticed without attention being called to the matter also. This was a very creepy moment. I just hope she isn't as big of a band geek as my sister. That would just be too weird...

09 January, 2005

The Cassini Project

January 9, 2005, 22:05
Well, I am sure that many of you have heard of the Cassini Space Shuttle Project. I just found out that it lands on Titan this Friday, 10:13 GMT. I can't believe what we may see. This is bound to amazing, and I am guessing unlike anything the world has seen. We have seen the moon and Mars, which are both barren and without much liquid. It is quite possible that Titan has liquid methane on it's surface, which means we could see vast oceans of liquid methane. I know this will be, if it succeeds, one of the defining moments in space exploration history, and most certainly the greatest discovery outside of the earth to this day. We can only hope and pray that the Huygens Probe has a safe landing and can transmit back the video. May God be with the Huygens Probe and the Cassini Mission on Friday the 14th of January of the year 2005.

My First Blog and my findings of the Third Wave

January 9, 2005, 15:45
Well hello everyone that may happen to read this. This is my very first blog. It just may rank among my top list of "firsts." My first step, my first instrument, my first birthday, and so on. Some may wonder why I chose the name "The Third Wave." That is because I once watched a movie about a history teacher who tried to teach his students about the Third Reich. He created an in school society called the Third Wave, because in fisherman and sailor lore it is said that waves come in three's, and the third is always the strongest. Anyways, this teacher created a very disciplined society and his students were encapsulated by the positive effects it had and ignored that they had no personality. Eventually the students were so caught up in this they would harm anyone that would not conform. The teacher then realized he needed to stop all of this. He held a final rally, and said that it was their nation wide leader who had an important message for them. At this rally he showed a clip of Adolf Hitler speaking. Everyone was so astounded that they all denied that there was ever a society called the Third Wave. It got me thinking and I soon found that this was a true story. This made me think even more. So I looked it up on the net. After about three hours of looking for anything that even related to this, I found an article written buy the history teacher on his story, and how he ran into a former student whom he had performed this expirement on. The student, being 15 years older still, upon seeing his teacher, greeted him with the hand gesture that signified you were a member of the Third Wave. I wonder if it was in joking matter, or in spite that he does this. Then I think that maybe that the entire moral was lost on this student. How could these high school students have not realized what they were doing was wrong? Was it the fact that everyone belonged to a group, and everyone could relate? It just makes me wonder. The title of this movie, if you would like to check it out is "The Wave."