27 February, 2005
26 February, 2005
My Last Post and Breaking 1000
February 26, 2005 21:31
Well, hello again. About my last post, I must explain. That post was indeed supposed to have a body. In fact it did have a body. At school I created a post. It was about the "anonymous" survey we were administered. More on that later. The post would have been changed but I was having a bad day. My MP3 player wasn't working correctly, I walked home when I could have had a ride (I found out when I got home), and to top it all off, I get home and I check my blog. What's this? No post. This pushed me off the edge. I decided I really just needed to relax. I get ready to play my guitar when my mom races down the stairs. "Hurry, I have to drive your brother to St. George. Take a shower!" Oh great, Now I can't play my guitar because I was headed over to my cousin's house and my mom only wanted to make one trip out of the house. So I had absolutely no time to update this post. I now do not intend to change the post, merely because it is a reminder of how pissed I was that day. I will re-post on that subject soon. Now to the second part of my title. W00T!!!11one I finally broke 1000 hits. Yay for me. And in just under two months. Does this mean I am popular, or does it mean that the same people keep looking at my sight? I am guessing the latter, but oh well. PARTY!!!!!
Well, hello again. About my last post, I must explain. That post was indeed supposed to have a body. In fact it did have a body. At school I created a post. It was about the "anonymous" survey we were administered. More on that later. The post would have been changed but I was having a bad day. My MP3 player wasn't working correctly, I walked home when I could have had a ride (I found out when I got home), and to top it all off, I get home and I check my blog. What's this? No post. This pushed me off the edge. I decided I really just needed to relax. I get ready to play my guitar when my mom races down the stairs. "Hurry, I have to drive your brother to St. George. Take a shower!" Oh great, Now I can't play my guitar because I was headed over to my cousin's house and my mom only wanted to make one trip out of the house. So I had absolutely no time to update this post. I now do not intend to change the post, merely because it is a reminder of how pissed I was that day. I will re-post on that subject soon. Now to the second part of my title. W00T!!!11one I finally broke 1000 hits. Yay for me. And in just under two months. Does this mean I am popular, or does it mean that the same people keep looking at my sight? I am guessing the latter, but oh well. PARTY!!!!!
25 February, 2005
23 February, 2005
Damn the You Share It website
February 23, 2005 22:22
It turns out that they only keep a file for 10 days! That pisses me off. No where did I see anything that said my files would be deleted after 10 days. Now I have to find a new way to post my music. Maybe I will just get one of those free web domains and put my music on there. Then link it. You Share It, You Suck It!!!
It turns out that they only keep a file for 10 days! That pisses me off. No where did I see anything that said my files would be deleted after 10 days. Now I have to find a new way to post my music. Maybe I will just get one of those free web domains and put my music on there. Then link it. You Share It, You Suck It!!!
Does My Buddha Really Work???
February 23, 2004 18:51
Hello everyone, I have a story to tell. Well, today I had a bizarre experience, but before I go into any detail what so ever, I will tell you the background story. As many of my close friends know, In late December I started to kick off a relationship with a certain girl. She then moves away without saying anything. Well, yesterday a few friends and I were talking about how weird it was that she just disappeared without saying anything. This is where the bizarre part comes in. Today, during lunch, I was rubbing my porta-Buddha's (Small Buddha's) Belly. This is supposed to bring peace harmony and good luck. At the end of lunch today, I walk out of the band room and, Lo and Behold, there she was. Getting into her locker like it was no big deal. This almost stopped me in my tracks. I didn't think I really saw her. I was so stunned that I just kept walking. I thought I would never see her again. At this point I asked other people if they had seen this girl at all today, the said "Nope." After that I ruled in that maybe had sever schizophrenia (Yes Troy, Schizophrenia includes seeing people and hearing them, Look it up DAMN IT!) Anyways, I then asked her best friend if I really saw this girl. She said yes and I was safe. All in all, a very bizarre string of events. This girls best friend didn't even know that she was coming back.
Hello everyone, I have a story to tell. Well, today I had a bizarre experience, but before I go into any detail what so ever, I will tell you the background story. As many of my close friends know, In late December I started to kick off a relationship with a certain girl. She then moves away without saying anything. Well, yesterday a few friends and I were talking about how weird it was that she just disappeared without saying anything. This is where the bizarre part comes in. Today, during lunch, I was rubbing my porta-Buddha's (Small Buddha's) Belly. This is supposed to bring peace harmony and good luck. At the end of lunch today, I walk out of the band room and, Lo and Behold, there she was. Getting into her locker like it was no big deal. This almost stopped me in my tracks. I didn't think I really saw her. I was so stunned that I just kept walking. I thought I would never see her again. At this point I asked other people if they had seen this girl at all today, the said "Nope." After that I ruled in that maybe had sever schizophrenia (Yes Troy, Schizophrenia includes seeing people and hearing them, Look it up DAMN IT!) Anyways, I then asked her best friend if I really saw this girl. She said yes and I was safe. All in all, a very bizarre string of events. This girls best friend didn't even know that she was coming back.
22 February, 2005
Deep Relaxation
February 22, 2005 19:47

Well, as you may be able to tell, I have hopped on to the burning incense craze. Some people say I just to do it for the concept of buring incense and it's origins, but this is not true. I do it because it calms me. The slow swirling of smoke reflecting the light. This is the reason I do it. I sometimes just lay down, put on some smooth jazz, and watch the smoke. I did this for an hour and a half on Sunday, I just layed thought. The scent helps, but I believe that fifty percent of the relaxation is the mood. The right lighting, the right music, and of course, the right spot for viewing the smoke. It should never be out of direct view for a number of reasons. One, it is very soothing to watch the smoke slowly rise out of the incense, like a gentle steam rising from a river in winter. Two, for safety reasons. If a piece falls and catches something on fire, it should wake you out of your current relaxed state. Well, heres to a more calm and clear headed me.

Well, as you may be able to tell, I have hopped on to the burning incense craze. Some people say I just to do it for the concept of buring incense and it's origins, but this is not true. I do it because it calms me. The slow swirling of smoke reflecting the light. This is the reason I do it. I sometimes just lay down, put on some smooth jazz, and watch the smoke. I did this for an hour and a half on Sunday, I just layed thought. The scent helps, but I believe that fifty percent of the relaxation is the mood. The right lighting, the right music, and of course, the right spot for viewing the smoke. It should never be out of direct view for a number of reasons. One, it is very soothing to watch the smoke slowly rise out of the incense, like a gentle steam rising from a river in winter. Two, for safety reasons. If a piece falls and catches something on fire, it should wake you out of your current relaxed state. Well, heres to a more calm and clear headed me.
Voluntary Communism and hoarding Green beans
February 22, 2005 18:50
Today in Mr. Mo's office during lunch, we had an interesting conversation. It was about the Law of Consecration. This states that one would give all worldly possessions and income to the Mormon church. In return you would be given only what you need to survive, and the Mormon Church would keep the rest for themselves. Well isn't that just like Communist Russia. The only difference here is that it is not forced upon you. Hence forth the Law of Consecration shall now be called Voluntary Communism. They said they did this because they wanted to abolish greed. Well wouldn't the Mormon Church Officials be getting more money than anyone else. Greed. Now this brings us to the Hoarding Green Beans part. Someone brought up that you could save your money in order to buy personal things, well wouldn't this be more greed. To solve this we said, "Maybe they would just give the supplies, rather than giving you the money." Well what now, we would have people saving a bit of their food for months and months just to have one big, nice dinner. Thus we have Hoarding Green Beans, and from henceforth we shall call all greed Hoarding Your Green Beans.
Today in Mr. Mo's office during lunch, we had an interesting conversation. It was about the Law of Consecration. This states that one would give all worldly possessions and income to the Mormon church. In return you would be given only what you need to survive, and the Mormon Church would keep the rest for themselves. Well isn't that just like Communist Russia. The only difference here is that it is not forced upon you. Hence forth the Law of Consecration shall now be called Voluntary Communism. They said they did this because they wanted to abolish greed. Well wouldn't the Mormon Church Officials be getting more money than anyone else. Greed. Now this brings us to the Hoarding Green Beans part. Someone brought up that you could save your money in order to buy personal things, well wouldn't this be more greed. To solve this we said, "Maybe they would just give the supplies, rather than giving you the money." Well what now, we would have people saving a bit of their food for months and months just to have one big, nice dinner. Thus we have Hoarding Green Beans, and from henceforth we shall call all greed Hoarding Your Green Beans.
20 February, 2005
Depressio Take 1
February 20, 2005 1:26
Here it is folks. Depressio Take 1, also known as My Newest Concoction Take 2. This is the updated version of the song. It is rythmically correct and it is in the expansion stage. I now know the feeling of the song, and know how to play that feeling, so I am now expanding and adding parts to the song. Here is the link, thanks to You Share It. God Bless those guys.
Here it is folks. Depressio Take 1, also known as My Newest Concoction Take 2. This is the updated version of the song. It is rythmically correct and it is in the expansion stage. I now know the feeling of the song, and know how to play that feeling, so I am now expanding and adding parts to the song. Here is the link, thanks to You Share It. God Bless those guys.
19 February, 2005
18 February, 2005
February 18, 2005 22:42
Wow. Hello again, and for the third time today. Well, It has come to my attention that I am now featured on a fairly popular blog site. On the Sidebar. It is because of my "compellingly analytical comment." Cool, huh. Well, Check my sidebar action out at http://www.lolwtfdude.blogspot.com/ Yay for random blog hunting.
Wow. Hello again, and for the third time today. Well, It has come to my attention that I am now featured on a fairly popular blog site. On the Sidebar. It is because of my "compellingly analytical comment." Cool, huh. Well, Check my sidebar action out at http://www.lolwtfdude.blogspot.com/ Yay for random blog hunting.
You Share It
February 18, 2005 22:16
Well, as any return viewers to my blog have noticed. I am now posting my music to my blog. I would like to recognize this great, and not to mention free, website. They allow people to host files on there server completely free of charge. The Website is http://s3.youshareit.com/. Enjoy emailing and posting with music. Thank you, You Share It.
Well, as any return viewers to my blog have noticed. I am now posting my music to my blog. I would like to recognize this great, and not to mention free, website. They allow people to host files on there server completely free of charge. The Website is http://s3.youshareit.com/. Enjoy emailing and posting with music. Thank you, You Share It.
My newest concoction
February 18, 2005 22:02
Well, here it is. My newest concoction. It is a bit depressive, but it is part of an epic. Well, here you go.
Download link: Part 3 of the 5 part sidelong epic.
Post Script: The rythms are off in this recording. I was really cold on account of being in an unheated basement, so my hands were a little shaky. Also, this was recorded as I was writing and playing for the first time. And my final excuse is that I was on an accoustic guitar, so the mic kept getting in the way of my fingers.
Well, here it is. My newest concoction. It is a bit depressive, but it is part of an epic. Well, here you go.
Download link: Part 3 of the 5 part sidelong epic.
Post Script: The rythms are off in this recording. I was really cold on account of being in an unheated basement, so my hands were a little shaky. Also, this was recorded as I was writing and playing for the first time. And my final excuse is that I was on an accoustic guitar, so the mic kept getting in the way of my fingers.
16 February, 2005
This IS Jazz
February 16, 2005 20:26
Well, I recently wrote this poem. This sums up how I feel about jazz. The inspiration came to me as I was listening to a late night Jazz radio station. Here it is.
I lay,
The music flows over my body,
Like the waves of an ocean.
So smooth,
I can feel the flow
Like a river it grooves,
Into the rock that it is my soul.
I lay,
And I think to myself,
"Is this really jazz?"
But as the drums fill,
And the basses trill,
I think to myself,
"This IS jazz."
Well, I recently wrote this poem. This sums up how I feel about jazz. The inspiration came to me as I was listening to a late night Jazz radio station. Here it is.
I lay,
The music flows over my body,
Like the waves of an ocean.
So smooth,
I can feel the flow
Like a river it grooves,
Into the rock that it is my soul.
I lay,
And I think to myself,
"Is this really jazz?"
But as the drums fill,
And the basses trill,
I think to myself,
"This IS jazz."
My new Ska song (in production)
"The Ska take 4.wav" file.
Download link: http://s3.youshareit.com/download.php?8137c5c0966ad51b1e1a675b1b84ddcd
Please ignore all the talking at the beginning of the song. We were really bored and playing with the recording stuff. Well, here it is.
Download link: http://s3.youshareit.com/download.php?8137c5c0966ad51b1e1a675b1b84ddcd
Please ignore all the talking at the beginning of the song. We were really bored and playing with the recording stuff. Well, here it is.
14 February, 2005
The True Origin of St. Valentine's Day
February 14, 2005 22:02
Well, today is St. Valentine's Day and I have noticed a few things. Many people will say that I am writing this because I am some sort of dateless loser (well I am), but that is beside the point. The meaning of Valentine's Day has always bugged me, just becuase I didn't know what the meaning was. Who decided that February 14th was such a great day for love and bliss (maybe a little ignorance with that bliss.) Anyways, I decided to end my confusion on the topic and consulted the endlessly flowing fountain of knowledge, Google! After all, Google Calculator acknowledges that the Answer to Life the Universe and Everything is in fact 42. Anyways, on with the story. I looked it up on Google. This lead me to sites about the Great St. Valentine, or Valentinus. It turns out he was a Roman-Catholic Martyr. How interesting... Now we know who he was, why is he celebrated on the 14th of February. It also turns out that he was beheaded on February 14th in the third century. Ironic, isn't it... Well, I decided to lookk deeper. All of the history of St. Valentinus is sort of hazy. All of this is not proved, just strongly believed. So why is St. Valentinus' death day celebrated for love? He may have been one to conduct mariages when they were outlawed. What makes the modern Valentine's Day so funny is that it goes against what St. Valentinus died for. The holiday is often associated with Roman Mythology. Cupid, for instance, is a myhtological being. It seems tha once again, Pagan and Christian Celebrations have been mixed. I mean look at Christmas, the pine tree, the yule log, even Mir, is all Pagan. So is this the true origin of St. Valentine's Day, nobody really knows, but I know that from know on I will be celebrating this day in mourn for the death of a great man, and not for love and bliss, and especially not for Cupid, the Roman Myth!
Well, today is St. Valentine's Day and I have noticed a few things. Many people will say that I am writing this because I am some sort of dateless loser (well I am), but that is beside the point. The meaning of Valentine's Day has always bugged me, just becuase I didn't know what the meaning was. Who decided that February 14th was such a great day for love and bliss (maybe a little ignorance with that bliss.) Anyways, I decided to end my confusion on the topic and consulted the endlessly flowing fountain of knowledge, Google! After all, Google Calculator acknowledges that the Answer to Life the Universe and Everything is in fact 42. Anyways, on with the story. I looked it up on Google. This lead me to sites about the Great St. Valentine, or Valentinus. It turns out he was a Roman-Catholic Martyr. How interesting... Now we know who he was, why is he celebrated on the 14th of February. It also turns out that he was beheaded on February 14th in the third century. Ironic, isn't it... Well, I decided to lookk deeper. All of the history of St. Valentinus is sort of hazy. All of this is not proved, just strongly believed. So why is St. Valentinus' death day celebrated for love? He may have been one to conduct mariages when they were outlawed. What makes the modern Valentine's Day so funny is that it goes against what St. Valentinus died for. The holiday is often associated with Roman Mythology. Cupid, for instance, is a myhtological being. It seems tha once again, Pagan and Christian Celebrations have been mixed. I mean look at Christmas, the pine tree, the yule log, even Mir, is all Pagan. So is this the true origin of St. Valentine's Day, nobody really knows, but I know that from know on I will be celebrating this day in mourn for the death of a great man, and not for love and bliss, and especially not for Cupid, the Roman Myth!
06 February, 2005
Band Students
February 06, 2005 16:54
Well, today I was thinking about how little focus we had on disciplined marching this last year. I just hope that next year's drum major will be more strict. I also hope that my teachers shoves a stick up his ass and gets a little meaner. This is what I think it should be like.
Many people tend to look at band students as just a bunch of geeks, that is not true. Band students not only play an instrument, but they also do many other things, one of the most difficult is marching. Marching band is the most mentally and physically strenuous things a band student deals with. “Marching band is very difficult for a number of reasons. You have to play the correct songs, (which are memorized), you must stay at the right speed, and play the exact rhythms. You must also remember to keep your toes up, marching from heel to toe, rolling to the next step on the outside edge of your foot (this is called roll stepping.) On top of all that you must stay in a perfect line with the people on both sides of you and in front of you.” This is what Jill Montgomery, this years Band President, had to say on the matter. Some of the things that she did not mention are some of the most difficult. One thing that comes to mind is the discipline we must show when we adorn our uniforms. When we are called to attention we must, as we often say at the end of a grueling practice, is to keep our “Feet, together! Stomach, in! Chest, out! Shoulders, back! Head, up! Eyes, front!” When, and only when, we are called to either “at ease,” or “dismiss,” are we allowed to show anything less then complete devotion and discipline. In conclusion, I must say that band students are not just “band geeks” or “band nerds,” but disciplined, dedicated, and devoted athletes. Yes athletes, because a sport by definition is “Any activity involving physical exertion and skill that is governed by a set of rules or customs and often undertaken competitively.” And an athlete is anyone who participates in a sport. So the next time you see a band student, remember that they don't just play an instrument, but they are athletes.
Well, today I was thinking about how little focus we had on disciplined marching this last year. I just hope that next year's drum major will be more strict. I also hope that my teachers shoves a stick up his ass and gets a little meaner. This is what I think it should be like.
Many people tend to look at band students as just a bunch of geeks, that is not true. Band students not only play an instrument, but they also do many other things, one of the most difficult is marching. Marching band is the most mentally and physically strenuous things a band student deals with. “Marching band is very difficult for a number of reasons. You have to play the correct songs, (which are memorized), you must stay at the right speed, and play the exact rhythms. You must also remember to keep your toes up, marching from heel to toe, rolling to the next step on the outside edge of your foot (this is called roll stepping.) On top of all that you must stay in a perfect line with the people on both sides of you and in front of you.” This is what Jill Montgomery, this years Band President, had to say on the matter. Some of the things that she did not mention are some of the most difficult. One thing that comes to mind is the discipline we must show when we adorn our uniforms. When we are called to attention we must, as we often say at the end of a grueling practice, is to keep our “Feet, together! Stomach, in! Chest, out! Shoulders, back! Head, up! Eyes, front!” When, and only when, we are called to either “at ease,” or “dismiss,” are we allowed to show anything less then complete devotion and discipline. In conclusion, I must say that band students are not just “band geeks” or “band nerds,” but disciplined, dedicated, and devoted athletes. Yes athletes, because a sport by definition is “Any activity involving physical exertion and skill that is governed by a set of rules or customs and often undertaken competitively.” And an athlete is anyone who participates in a sport. So the next time you see a band student, remember that they don't just play an instrument, but they are athletes.
04 February, 2005
Hero Band
February 4th, 2005 17:38
Well, today I recieved a little wrist band called "Hero Band." This is a metal wristband that honors soldiers serving in the National Guard. There is a small serial number on the inside of this band, you register this number and can either track an individual soldier, or an entire unit. I opted to honor my father's unit: 2-222 FA. This means it will track the movement of them, and it specifically is honored toward them. Once I had registered the unique serial number to the unit, I tightened the band down (It is a metal wristband) and I have vowed to not take it off until The unit is back and safe in their homes. Well, here's to 18 months of service. HOOAH!!!
You can order your own free hero band at The Virtual Armory
Well, today I recieved a little wrist band called "Hero Band." This is a metal wristband that honors soldiers serving in the National Guard. There is a small serial number on the inside of this band, you register this number and can either track an individual soldier, or an entire unit. I opted to honor my father's unit: 2-222 FA. This means it will track the movement of them, and it specifically is honored toward them. Once I had registered the unique serial number to the unit, I tightened the band down (It is a metal wristband) and I have vowed to not take it off until The unit is back and safe in their homes. Well, here's to 18 months of service. HOOAH!!!
You can order your own free hero band at The Virtual Armory